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Metal Wrapping goes back a long way. It has a great history, with a future that is only getting better thanks to the variety of metal shingles, shakes, slates and tiles now available. Metal Wrapping installation is an investment in roof longevity with little to no maintenance and roof repair. A favorite in commercial Wrapping, metal roofs’ popularity with residential homes is growing. If your reasons for a new roof include beauty and easy care, metal Wrapping just might be for you.

Benefits Of Metal Wrapping

Durable and long lasting. Compare metal Wrapping to asphalt shingle roofs. An asphalt Wrapping system wears out between fifteen and twenty years. Severe weather like strong wind, hail or winter storms can shorten that lifespan even more. Metal roofs, on the other hand, stand up extraordinarily well to bad weather. A new metal Wrapping installation will protect your home for forty to sixty years.

Hardy and Low Maintenance. Metal roofs of today come with a super-tough factory finish, making their durability exceptional and offering supreme resistances weather-related damages. Asphalt or wood shingling collects snow while a metal Wrapping system sheds it, preventing the formation of ice dams that can damage roof structure. Metal roofs don’t degrade under direct sun exposure the way wood shingling can. And metal Wrapping doesn’t lose its protective layer like asphalt shingling does, gradually shedding the protective granules that coat the asphalt. A quality metal Wrapping installation will exceed building code requirements for high wind resistance. And though hail damage (dimpling) may happen in the event of a severe hail storm, any dented panels are normally very easy to replace.

No More Noisy Than Shingle Wrapping. The myth that homes with metal Wrapping are noisy during rainfall actually comes from barns and sheds that have had metal roofs put on directly over bare, open framing. In reality, metal roofs installed on homes are done with plywood or an oriented strand board (OSB) under-layer (called sheathing). This generally reduces noise during rainstorms to no greater than that of raining drumming on an asphalt shingle roof.

Variety in Style and Color. Metal Wrapping comes in a wide variety of color and style to suit whatever design you want for your home.